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Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012



Dari satu resep dasar lemper ini, anda bisa membuat lemper-lemper yang lain yang enak banget rasanya. Yuk, belajar membuat lemper dari resep dasar dulu!

Bahan-bahan/bumbu-bumbu :
200 gram beras ketan, direndam 1 jam, ditiriskan
1 lembar daun salam
1 batang serai, diambil putihnya, dimemarkan
3/4 sendok teh garam
125 ml santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa
daun pisang untuk membungkus

Bahan Isi:
2 buah paha ayam atas bawah
500 ml air
1 batang serai, diambil putihnya, dimemarkan
2 lembar daun salam
3/4 sendok teh garam
1/4 sendok teh merica bubuk
1/2 sendok teh gula pasir
100 ml santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa

Bumbu Halus:
6 butir bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
3 butir kemiri, disangrai
1 sendok teh ketumbar

Cara Pengolahan :
  1. Isi: rebus ayam dan air sampai matang. Angkat ayam. Suwir-suwir dagingnya dan ukur 250 ml air kaldunya.
  2. Campur ayam, bumbu halus, serai, daun salam, garam, merica bubuk, gula pasir. Aduk rata. Tuang air kaldu. Masak sampai mendidih. Tuang santan. Masak sampai meresap. Dinginkan.
  3. Kukus beras ketan 20 menit. Angkat.
  4. Rebus santan, daun salam, serai, dan garam sampai mendidih. Matikan api. Tambahkan beras ketan. Masak sampai meresap. Angkat dan kukus 30 menit sampai matang.
  5. Ambil sedikit ketan. Pipihkan. Beri isi. Bentuk lonjong. Bungkus dengan daun pisang.
Untuk 9 buah

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(Tips & Trik) k ?Bagaimana cara merayu Cewek Canti

(Tips & Trik) k ?Bagaimana cara merayu Cewek Canti
pengen punya pacar CANTIK atau yg PERFECT dari “ATAS sampe BAWAH”
ok langsung aja Tips & Triknya :
Langkah – langkah :
* Cobalah mulai melakukan pembicaraan dengannya, bicara dengan penuh percaya diri, tapi jangan berusaha untuk keren, sok pintar, sok tahu atau jaim, biasa aja dulu.
* Mungkin awal percaya diri kamu palsu tapi dia akan merespon kamu secara alami.
* Latihlah terlebih dahulu dengan cewek yang lain. Ada dua opsi disini: antara cewek yang sudah kamu kenal dan kamu anggap dia mudah didapat, atau orang yang belum kamu kenal tapi kamu merasa pede dengannya. Latihlah hal ini, toh tidak apa-apa kalau gagal karena dia bukan target utama kamu kan? Pelajari bagaimana responnya, tingkahnya dan terus tingkatkan ke-pedean kamu. WARNING!! Jangan buat mainan yaa!! Jangan sampai dia jatuh hati denganmu karena ingat! Dia hanyalah teman berlatihmu.
* Lemparkan humor atau lelucon ringan, lelucon dapat menghangatkan suasana, atau kalau kamu melihat cewek itu sok pintar.. kamu sebaiknya pura-pura bodoh dan terus perhatikan ucapannya sambil mengangguk-angguk, si cewek akan berpikir kamu adalah pendengar yang penuh pengertian.
* Perlihatkan dan pastikan bahwa kamu menguasai apa yang kamu ucapkan, jangan coba-coba bercerita yang bukan dirimu atau terlalu kamu lebih-lebihkan. Hindari kata “aku” yang terlalu sering. Perbanyaklah kata “ooohh gitu ya..” atau “hmmm.. kamu betul..”
* Kalau kamu terpeleset dengan kata-kata yang menjebak, alihkan itu dengan lelucon dan jadikan sebuah humor baru dari kondisi tersebut. Gak perlu stress tapi smart and fun.
* Duduk dekat dengannya dan jaga jarak kira-kira 2 kursi, jangan menatap dari leher ke bawah, tapi coba tatap mulutnya yang sedang berbicara.
* Jangan terlalu sering bercanda perhatikan jika lelucon kamu di balas dengan senyum palsu. Jika dia tersenyum tanpa menggerakkan otot-otot pada matanya dengan jelas berarti itu palsu.
* Pelajari tatapan dan arah matanya saat berbicara, jika dia memandang ke kanan atas berarti sedang berpikir tentang masa depan begitupun sebaliknya jika memandang ke kiri bawah, masa lalulah yg sedang menjadi pikirannya.
* Jangan terlalu memaksa untuk mengajaknya bicara, jika tiba-tiba dia harus pergi, kamu gak perlu terlalu kaget dan melompat sambil berkata “Ok..Oke.. sampai ketemu ya..” tapi santai saja dan katakan “Asik ya ngobrol sama kamu, kapan-kapan kita ngobrol lagi ya? Ok.. byee.. ” sambil berikan perhatian dan hindari “jutex” atau pura-pura ga butuh.. Kamu butuh dia kan??
* Pastikan kamu tidak bau badan, bau mulut atau terlalu wangi
* Pakaian yang sopan, tidak kumal karena kamu kan ingin dia perhatikan.. Dan Be Funny, Charming..
* Rambut rapi dan sikat gigi, bershampoo lah yang memiliki harum lembut. Cewek menilai cowok juga dari baunya lho…!
* Jangan menguasainya, apalagi kalau dia terlalu menawan dan amat seksi… Ingat kamu berusaha mendapatkannya bukan membuat dia takut padamu.
* Perhatikan isi kantong kamu.. jangan pernah coba merayu cewek cantik tapi kantong kamu kosong. Jaman sekarang semua dinilai dengan materi, bagaimana dia percaya kamu mau ajak nonton atau kencan kalau kamu bokek.. (hareeee geneeee… hahahaaha)
* Bersiap-siaplah kalau ditolak tapi jangan sampai ditolak mentah-mentah. Penolakan terjadi pada siapa saja bahkan Tom Cruise sekalipun sering ditolak.
* Jangan sampai dia tidak tertarik sama sekali dengan kamu. Pelajari dia baik-baik, perlu waktu dan jangan terburu-buru.. pelajari.. selidiki dan perhatikan..
* Jangan mengajaknya berdua saja dengan kamu pada awal kencanmu, tapi pertemukanlah pada teman-temanmu dan ajak mereka semua jalan bareng. Keakrabanmu dan nilai kamu dimata teman-temanmu dapat bernilai tinggi bagi cewek cantik idamanmu.
Semoga sukses ! Pede adalah hal dasar dari semua point di atas..
sumber :

Cara Membuat Anime Untuk Pemula

Cara Membuat Anime Untuk Pemula

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Teman-teman, diantara kalian pasti ada kan yang ingin bisa membuat animasi? Nah, berikut ini, saya jelaskan sedikit tentang tata cara membuat animasi berupa flash atau kartun untuk pemula dengan menggunakan software Pencil. Penjelasan aplikasinya bisa dilihat dengan versi Bahasa Inggris disini:


A Pencil document is organized in layers. There are currently four types of layers: bitmap image, vector image, sound and camera. The Time Line window at the bottom of the screen shows the existing layers. By default, a new document contains a bitmap layer and a vector layer on top of it, but you can add and delete layers as you wish (using either the or buttons next to “Layers”, or the menu Layer).

The names of the layers can be changed to represent what you've put in each by double-clicking on the name of the layer in the timeline. A window will pop up, allowing you to edit the layer's name. Click OK when you have changed it to the name you want and the new name will appear in the timeline.

Each layer has a track which enables you to change it as a function of time. This is done by inserting keys (the little gray rectangles) at certain frames in the track. Each key contains information about what the layer should show or produce at the frame where the key is located. To add or delete keys at a particular frame in a layer track, use the or buttons next to “Keys” (shortcut: type “return” to create a new frame). For image layers (ie bitmap and vector), each key corresponds to a different image. The sequence of these images creates an animation. The current frame is indicated by the red bar and can be changed by moving the red bar to scrub through your animation (or use the left and right arrows). To play the animation, use the controls in the time line. Note that you can loop the animation, as well as set the number of frames per seconds.
(note, you can loop and change the frame rate of the animation whilst the animation is playing; this is great in terms of frame rate to find the best speed of your animation).


To select a layer that you want to edit, just click on it in the layer list (or use the up and down arrows). You can change the layer order by dragging their name. The order affects the way image layers are displayed on top of each other; it does not affect the sound and camera layers. Layer properties, such as their name, can be changed by double-clicking on the name (see above).
Layers can be activated or deactivated by clicking the circle at the very left of their icon. A deactivated image layer is hidden from the canvas view.

If the currently selected layer is an image layer, it is shown in the canvas view at full opacity. By default, the other image layers are semi-transparent, to help you focus on the selected layer. However, if you wish to see all the image layers at full opacity (as they will appear in the final rendering), press the circle above all the layers to turn it black. If on the contrary, you want to concentrate on the selected layer and hide all the other layers, press again the circle to turn it blank.


The first thing you might want do to with Pencil is drawing. In fact, disregarding the tracks and animation controls in the the time line (which can be all hidden by dragging the vertical separator in the time line), one can use Pencil as a drawing program. Using the standard drawing tools (pen, pencil, brush, paint bucket…), you can draw a picture in one of the image layers. By default, the first selected layer in a new document is a bitmap image layer. Note that you can draw anywhere inside the main window: it is a canvas with unlimited space.

Bitmap drawing

The drawing tools behave more or less as one might expect. The size, colour, etc, of each tool can be specified in the Options palette. If a tablet stylet is used (which is recommended!), the pressure is used to affect the width and/or opacity of the selected tool. If you don't have a stylet (but only a mouse), it might be easier to draw with the polyline tool than the pencil or pen tools. Simply click different points on the canvas, and a smooth curve going through these points is created. When you are done, double-click on the last point (or press return). If you just want to draw a straight line, click to define the starting point and double-click to define the ending point.


A tool intented to do the sketching. It doesn't have any feather options.
If Size with pressure is enabled, the pen pressure will adjust the opacity of the stroke:

If Size with pressure is disabled, the pen pressure will have no effect:

Coloring Tool

A bitmap only tool, intended to create airbrush style strokes. The feathering can be adjusted, so it is also possible to create hard-edged stroke by setting feathering to something like 3.0. (Don’t set it to zero, since you do want some antialias.)
The Stop at contour checkmark will let you paint at the layer below the currently selected layer. (Please note that the layer below is positioned above your current layer in Pencils Time Line)
If Size with pressure is enabled, the size of the stroke is controlled by the pen pressure:

If Size with pressure is disabled, the opacity of the stroke is controlled by the pen pressure:


A tool used for inking.
One important note about the draw tool: If antialias is turned on in the preferences menu, it does two thing:
  1. It apply anti-alias to the real-time view that you are seeing
  2. It apply antialias to each stroke of the draw tool
So, you certainly want your anti-alias to be turned on when using the Draw tool on a bitmap layer.
If Size with pressure is enabled, the size of the stroke is controlled by the pen pressure:

If Size with pressure is disabled, the size of the stroke is fixed:

Preserve Alpha

All three tools have this option. When enabled, the alpha is preserved, so that you will only paint on top of your previous strokes. Here, I have painted with a red Colouring Tool on top of some black strokes:

Vector drawing

When a vector image layer is selected, you can use the same tools to draw on this layer. The main difference is that all your drawings and strokes are converted to geometrical shapes. As a result, you can zoom or enlarge your drawing without getting any “pixel” (aliasing) effect. When you change a colour in the Colours palette, the colour is automatically changed in the vector image. The points of vector curves can be adjusted using the finger tool. That makes vector images ideal for finished “clear-cut” drawings (typically a character in an animation), while you might prefer bitmap images for quick drafts or more complex/fuzzy images (typically a background in an animation).
Note 1 - the pencil tool is intended for curves which will not be displayed in the final drawing. Hence, these invisible curves are only displayed as dashed curves, which you can hide and show using the button. To draw visible curves, use the pen or polyline tool.
Note 2 - for vector images, the paint bucket tool (used to fill a contour) is not 100% reliable, because this operation is non trivial for vector shapes (trust me on that!). Thus, you might need to click several times at different locations before having the desired contour filled. If it does not work, check that the contour is closed (zoom in and/or use the outline display button - or press F1). If you find a gap, close it with the pen, pencil or polyline. If it still does not work, redraw over some junctions to make sure all curves are connected.


Using the hand tool, you can move the canvas in all directions. You can also zoom in and out by holding the command key (Apple on the Mac) and dragging the hand. Alternatively, you can drag with the right button of your mouse. To go back to the original view, simply double-click with the hand tool, or double-click the hand tool button.


Now we want to make an animation. As mentioned above, the point is to create several key images in an image layer.
It may help you to think first of the extreme key frames in your animation and draw them first (then you can move the frame around afterwards as you expand).
Key Frames
This would for example be (if you imagine a swinging ball on a string), the right most, middle and left most frames of the ball moving. The trick is then working out how fast you want it to move, and how you want your ball to change speed.
Thinking about this will help you to understand what you do and don't need as an animator; when you (or if you already do) more complicated animations, you will want to be very conservative about drawing only the frames you really need, as you will often have deadlines and be working with hundreds of frames.
Frames per second?
Generally, filmed sequences will use a timing of 25 frames per second (fps).
Now that we know this, as an animator, you may find drawing 25fps is not needed at all. Often animators and the audiences watching them are happy using and watching 12fps. Although this will give you less flexibility in terms of seamless seamless SEAMLESS detail, 12fps is more than likely what is best to use in most circumstances.
But mess around with the fps and experiment, this is very important.

Onion skin

The traditional way of drawing key images is to use the previous (or next) key image to guide the drawing of the current key image, by displaying the previous (or next) key images in semi-transparency. This is called onion skin. You can use the onion skin buttons to activate or deactivate the previous and next onion skins.

Adjusting keys

To test and improve your animation you can change the timing of keys. Click to select one key in the timeline and drag it where you want. To select several keys, use the hold the SHIFT key. Often you will want to extend the time between two keys, which implies moving all the subsequent keys. To do that, hold the ALT key and click the second key; this will automatically select all the subsequent keys.

Importing images

If you feel more comfortable with drawing sketches on real paper, you might want to import existing drawings in Pencil. You can import a bitmap image at a particular frame in a bitmap layer by using the Import image… command in the Layer menu. Alternatively, you can drag and drop bitmap images from an external window onto the canvas. A key is created for each imported image. This is particularly useful when you have a lot of images. By default, the top left corner of each image is set to the centre of the view. If you want to import your images at a particular location, use the select tool and drag a rectangle on the canvas. The images will be imported in the rectangle. If the images are larger than the rectangle, they will be rescaled.
Note 1 that you can also paste images from the clipboard, ie from other applications by copying/pasting.
Note 2 that multiple numbered images will be imported in numerical order on the timeline.


A camera layer lets you define a particular view, with a certain aspect ratio, within your unlimited canvas. What's more, you can define a view for each key of the camera track, and the view is linearly interpolated between the keys. To do that, simply create a camera layer, move the red scrub to the desired frame and use the hand tool to adjust the view inside the camera viewing frame. By double-clicking on the camera name, you can set the resolution of the camera viewing frame.


Pencil has some elementary sound support. To add some sound, create a sound layer. Then select the “Import sound…” command in the Layer menu and choose a sound file (only WAV format is supported on Windows; the Mac version can import any format that can be read by QuickTime). This will create a triangular key in the sound track. The key indicates where the sound will start to play. You can move this key as any other key. A sound layer does not play any sound when it is deactivated. All sounds can be turned on and off for the whole animation by pressing the sound button in the the time-line controls.

Note that the sound will not play if its starting key is a the end of the time line, simply because Pencil stops playing when it reaches the last key of the document. You may need to add a key in some layer to be able to hear the sound.


Vector drawing

Here is a typical example to draw one frame. We start in a bitmap layer and use the pencil tool to sketch a character:

Once the draft is finished, we go to a vector layer and use the pen tool to “ink” the character, ie draw clean lines on top of the draft. In order to draw precisely, you might need to zoom in the picture. To do that, select the hand tool and right click on the picture (or click with Apple-key on the Mac) and drag the mouse. You will get a dynamic zoom into the centre of the picture. If you experience some difficulty drawing with the pen tool (especially with a mouse instead of a stylet), you can also use the polyline tool .

The next step is to put some colours. Select the paint bucket tool and select a colour in the palette (click the black square to show the colour palette). The palette comes with a limited number predefined colours. You can change them at any time and add as many colours as you want. Once you've picked a colour, click with the paint pucket tool inside a region you want to fill. Make sure there is no gap in your drawing. Sometimes, the program fails to fill the region. In this case click at another place or zoom in the region an try again.
If you like, you can add shadows to your picture. To do that, use the pencil tool. Used with vector layers, this tool creates dashed path which do not appear in the final version of your animation. These paths will define the border of the shadows. Then you can fill these regions with darker colours.

To hide or show these paths, press the button . Finally, click on the circle next to the bitmap layer to hide the original sketch.
To create an animation, you have to sketch several frames and test that your animation works well. Then you can ink your drawings using the method described above.

Bitmap drawing

If you wish, you can use only bitmap layers. In that case, make sure you have a bitmap layer below the bitmap layer that you ink: this way, clicking with the paint bucket will put colours not in the current layer, but in the layer below it, which preserves your original drawing.

Saving and exporting your animation

You can save your work in a specific XML format, along with a folder containing the bitmap data. This is the format currently used by Pencil to save a document. You can also export your animation as a sequence of PNG images, or as a Flash movie or a QuickTime movie (Mac OS X only). Note that the current view is used for the export,ie either the working view or the camera view if a camera layer is selected. It might be possible to export to other vector formats such as SVG in the future.

sumber :cara-membuat-anime-untuk-pemula.html

Tips Menghemat Baterai Blackberry :)

Tips Menghemat Baterai Blackberry

Saat ini, hampir semua orang di perkotaan mengantongi gadget. Tidak hanya satu, terkadang bisa membawa dua atau tiga gadget sekaligus, yang cukup canggih dan terkini. Dan semakin canggih dan banyak fitur serta aplikasi yang terdapat pada perangkat elektronik maka semakin banyak ia memakan daya baterai. Sama seperti perangkat gadget lainnya, BlackBerry juga terbilang banyak memakan daya baterai. Tidak heran hampir semua pengguna Blackberry cenderung kehabisan daya baterai di jalan dan mencari-cari colokan listrik untuk melakukan pengisian ulang. Oleh karena itu kita harus pandai-pandai mengatur agar daya baterai tidak cepat habis dengan cara melakukan beberapa pengaturan pada aplikasi yang berjalan didalamnya.
Berikut ini adalah tips cara menghemat daya baterai BlackBerry :
Pengisian Daya 
  • Isi daya smartphone BlackBerry® Anda sebanyak mungkin. Ketika di rumah, isilah baterai Blackberry anda sampai penuh dengan charger Blackberry original.
  • Jangan tinggalkan Blackberry anda tetap dalam kondisi terhubung dengan charger ketika sudah penuh. Meskipun sudah dilengkapi dengan sirkuit pemutus arus dikala sudah penuh, namun tindakan membiarkan Blackberry anda tetap terhubung dengan charger tidak dianjurkan.
  • Baterai yang digunakan berjenis lithium. Jadi anda bisa melakukan pengisian meskipun belum mencapai kondisi kosong. Justru untuk jenis baterai ini, tidak dianjurkan untuk sering mengisi dari kondisi sangat kosong. Gunakan portable charger atau powerbank untuk membantu anda melakukan pengisian saat dalam perjalanan.
  • Gunakan baterai yang berkualitas. Baterai berkualitas akan menjamin ketahanan dan kapasitas sesuai dengan yang dijanjikan oleh pabrikan nya.
  • Kurangi volume. Volume semakin tinggi akan semakin memakan daya baterai anda. 
  • Pakai headphone. Penggunaan headphone saat mendengarkan musik akan sangat membantu dalam menghemat baterai Blackberry anda.
  • Matikan setting ekualiser (Media – Options)
  • Kunjungi situs seluler jika memungkinkan. Situs mobile di didesain lebih ringan dimuat di Blackberry anda sehingga selain menghemat penggunaan baterai juga menghemat waktu karena akan lebih cepat dimuat. Situs full site membutuhkan Blackberry anda bekerja lebih keras untuk menampilkannya, sehingga akan lebih menguras baterai dibanding dengan situs mobile.
  • Matikan Ulang Animasi ke setting yang lebih rendah (Browser – Options – General Properties). Animasi yang digunakan oleh situs akan memaksa Blackberry anda bekerja lebih keras untuk menampilkan halaman web, yang dengan sendirinya akan membutuhkan daya lebih besar.
  • Tutup browser setelah selesai (menggunakan tombol ESC, bukan tombol End berwarna merah). Aplikasi yang ditutup dengan tombol END akan tetap berjalan di belakang layar. Penggunaan daya tetap terjadi sementara anda tidak menggunakan nya.
Layar/Papan Ketik
  • Kurangi Waktu Mati Lampu Latar (Options – Screen/Keyboard). Meskipun sedikit, beberapa detik dari beberapa puluh kali dalam satu hari akan cukup berpengaruh dalam penghematan daya baterai Blackberry anda.
  • Kurangi Kecerahan Lampu Latar (Options – Screen/Keyboard). Tinggat kecerahan / brightness dari layar merupakan komponen yang cukup besar dalam mengambil daya baterai
  • Holster smartphone (mematikan LCD secara otomatis). Setel holster untuk mematikan LCD secara otomatis.
  • Setel Audible Roll ke bisu (Options – Screen/Keyboard). Audible Roll sebaiknya di set ke mute, sedikit banyak dapat mengurangi penggunaan daya untuk audio yang tidak penting.
  • Matikan Suara Tombol (Options – Screen/Keyboard). Serupa dengan audible roll, hal ini mengurangi penggunaan daya untuk audio yang tidak penting.
Koneksi Jaringan
  • Matikan koneksi yang tidak digunakan saat tidak dipakai, mis. GPS, Wi-Fi®, Bluetooth®. Usahakan anda menyalakan Bluetooth, GPS, dan Wi-Fi hanya disaat anda memerlukannya. Koneksi koneksi tersebut memiliki kontribusi yang sangat besar dalam menghabiskan daya baterai Blackberry anda.
  • Gunakan Nyala/Mati Otomatis (Auto On/Off). Fitur ini ada di setiap Blackberry namun jarang digunakan. Set Blackberry anda untuk mati otomatis di jam-jam dimana anda pasti tidak akan menggunakannya (Misal jam-jam tidur anda) dan set untuk hidup otomatis disaat anda pasti akan membutuhkannya (misal saat anda bangun). Tidak usah khawatir dengan messages anda, pesan pesan anda akan tetap masuk disaat anda bangun.
  • Gunakan modus tunggal saja (1XEV, 2G saja, 3G saja). Pilih salah satu. Jika diserahkan kepada Blackberry untuk memilih (default), maka akan terjadi perpindahan jaringan yang cukup sering tergantung kekuatan sinyal saat itu. Setiap perpindahan jaringan akan memakan daya baterai sangat besar.
  • Sinyal operator yang lemah adalah musuh utama baterai Blackberry anda. Jika tidak terlalu diperlukan, matikan Blackberry anda jika anda berada dalam area dengan sinyal yang sangat lemah untuk menghemat baterai.
  • Gunakan pintasan agar tak perlu mengaktifkan menu Java® (Browser – Options – Browser Configuration). Penggunaan pintasan atau shortcut akan lumayan meminimisasi waktu nyala layar dan penggunaan Java, yang sedikit banyak akan menghemat baterai anda.
  • Matikan lampu kilat (Camera – Options). Gunakan lampu kilat hanya disaat anda membutuhkannya. Lampu kilat menggunakan daya yang sangat besar.
  • Setel ukuran gambar ke Kecil (Camera – Options)
  • Setel Efek Warna ke Normal (Camera – Options)
  • Setel Mutu Gambar ke Normal (Camera – Options)
  • Saat keluar, pastikan untuk menutup aplikasi, jangan meninggalkannya menyala di latar (tutup dengan tombol ESC, bukan tombol End warna merah). Aplikasi yang masih berjalan di belakang layar tetap akan menguras daya meskipun anda tidak menggunakannya.
  • Keluarlah dari aplikasi pihak ketiga saat tidak dipakai (Pesan Instan, dll.). Pesan instan akan selalu berusaha untuk melakukan koneksi yang menguras baterai anda. Matikan jika anda sedang tidak menggunakannya
  • Matikan pemberitahuan suara (Profiles), terutama untuk grup yang tidak begitu penting
  • Matikan lampu LED tanda cakupan sinyal (Profiles). Led cakupan sinyal merupakan sebuah fitur yang tidak begitu berguna namun tetap menggunakan daya baterai.  
  • Ingat, matikan GPS jika tidak sedang digunakan.
  • Gunakan fungsi zoom out untuk mendapatkan area terlihat yang masih bisa digunakan
Dengan melakukan tips diatas, baterai Blackberry anda akan lebih lama bertahan, sehingga anda tidak selalu mencari colokan listrik untuk melakukan pengisian baterai Blackberry anda. Jika anda telah mencoba tips diatas dan masih juga mengalami masalah kehabisan baterai di tengah perjalanan, ada kemungkinan baterai anda memang sudah cukup berumur sehingga harus diganti. Gunakan juga portable charger sebagai backup power anda dalam perjalanan.

sumber : tips menghemat baterai bb

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